CNRS commission
I’m a member of the CNRS Interdisciplinary Commission “Sciences et Données” CID 55 (Science and data, not data science !). In particular, this commission recruits yearly (calls opened in Dec/Jan) for permanent non-teaching positions a handful of junior scientists (physics, chemistry, social science…), with a strong expertise in data science. Do not hesitate to contact me to know more.
Working Groups
- member of Fair Universe, a LBNL Berkeley, U Washington, Chalearn collaboration organising a major scientific competition (an official NeuriPS 2024 competition) on measuring Higgs boson taking into account uncertainties
- co-organiser of DeMythif.AI a Université Paris-Saclay COFUND with 2×15 PhD on AI uncertainties (and application) to start in fall 2024 and 2025. The 2024 call is on-going.
- Scientific lead of CNRS/IN2P3 Machine Learning
- co-lead IJCLAB “Calcul et données” (computing and Machine Learning
Steering committees
- Université Paris-Saclay DataIA is the Artificial Intelligence Institute of Université Paris-Saclay
- Associate editor for Computing and Software for the Big Science (CSBS) and now (Feb 2025) for European Physical Journal C
- Chalearn is a US non-profit dedicated to data challenges organisation
Workshop and conferences
- AISSAI IN2P3 thematic semester with several events, in particular AI and the Uncertainty Challenge in Fundamental Physics in Paris and Orsay 27 Nov-2 Dec 2023
- Learning to discover is a series of three 10 days of workshop on the general theme of AI and physics held at Université Paris Saclay Institut Pascal. Check out the final one Apr 2022 !
- Connecting The Dots is a yearly international workshop on particle tracking in High Energy Physics (next one CTD2023 in Toulouse, I organised 2017 edition in Orsay)
- Hammers and Nails is a bi-yearly workshop on AI and physics held at Weizmann Institute, Israël ( in 2019, in Aug 2022)
- AI and physics workshop at Applied Machine Learning Days at Lausanne is a yearly one day workshop on theme AI for physics, physics for AI, (last one in 2021)
Past responsabilities
- 2019-2022 co-lead Université Paris-Saclay Center for Data Science
- 2016-2022 co-organiser of the TrackML challenge : “Accuracy” phase on Kaggle, S. Amrouche et al. “The Tracking Machine Learning Challenge : Accuracy phase” in NeurIPS 2018 Competition Book arXiv 1904.06778, and “Throughput” phase on Codalab S. Amrouche et al. “The Tracking Machine Learning Challenge : Throughput phase” Comput. Softw. Big Sci. 7 (2023) arXiv 2105.01160
- 2018-2021 CERN LHCC Interexperiment Machine Learning group
- 2016-2018 : co-convenor ATLAS Machine Learning group
- 2013-2015 : co organiser of the Kaggle Higgs boson challenge ‘”HiggsML” “The Higgs boson machine learning challenge”, C. Adam-Bourdarios et al. JMLR42
- 2013-2016 : ATLAS team leader at LAL
- 2010-2012 : overall coordinator of Atlas offline software, which was a major tool for the Higgs boson discovery announced in July 2012. About 10 PetaBytes of real and simulated data analysed with 4 millions lines of code, written by a total of 1000 people over ten years (250 being active at any given point), and used by 1500 users (the experiment’ physicists).
- 1999 to 2010: coordinator of Atlas reconstruction software, master minding the algorithms developments and integration
- 2005-2006 : co-coordinator of Atlas liquid argon calorimeter software
- 2005-2013 : member of Computing Atlas France committee overseeing grid computing for Atlas in france
- 2004 : chair of Atlas persistent object task force
- 1999-2002 : coordinator of Inner Detector reconstruction software (tracking)